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Training 4 Day Aintree Dressage Competition Camp With Grand Prix Rider Matthew Burnett

1st October, 2018

Monday 1st October

Arrive between the hours of 3.30-5.30pm.6pm induction talk.
Arena familiarisation available for your horse that evening if booked with K Amos.
Evening trip to a nearby pub/restaurant to meet your fellow campers – not compulsory.

Tuesday 2nd /Wednesday 3rd October

Either: a private 45 minute lesson with Grand Prix Rider Mat Burnett in the main arena. You will start by riding through one of your tests from competition day and work on this as well as your horse’s general way of going.
Or: a private 30 minute lesson with Mat Burnett in the main arena. A chance to work on the weaker parts of your test and your horse’s general way of going.(Each camper will get one 45 min and one 30 min lesson over the two days.)

The warm up arena will be available for you to warm up before and cool down after your lesson so you don’t waste any precious lesson time.If you wish to ride again during the day (maybe do some test practise?) this is available.
Evening trip to a nearby pub/restaurant – not compulsory.
Additional unmounted workshops – TBC (previous examples: Pilates, riding confidence, massage)

Thursday 4th October

A full affiliated British Dressage Competition with classes from Prelim to PSG (excluding Advanced) what a fantastic opportunity whilst you are stabled at the venue.
Mat Burnett will be on hand to help with your warm up.
Clean up, pack up and go home happy.

What you get included:

  • Two private lessons with Grand Prix Rider Mat Burnett
  • Stabling for your horse for three nights on site – including two bales of shavings.
  • Mat’s help with warm-up on competition day.
  • Warm up arena for use before and after lessons.
  • The chance for an arena familiarisation ride and second ride for test practise.
  • Parking for your horsebox or car and trailer – camping in these is allowed.
  • Hook-up for your horsebox , limited numbers – so please confirm if this is required or not. (Numbers may exceed supply.)

Please use link to the right to book your space.

This event took place in October 2018
Katie Amos

Venue information

L9 5AS
United Kingdom