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Success stories Ringo's remarkable journey: from racing to road safety hero

10th October 2024

Ringmoylan (known as Ringo), a former racehorse has become a beloved figure in his community, not only for his calm demeanour, but for the role he now plays as a volunteer on horseback (VOH), working with the police to promote road safety. Recently, Ringo was honoured with an award by Northamptonshire Police for his exemplary behaviour and service while attending community events for Road Peace, a charity that supports the families of those affected by road accidents and advocates for road safety awareness.

A new beginning for Ringo

Ringo’s journey began when his current owner, Susan, was looking for a quiet, reliable horse for her husband Tony to ride. The couple already had a former racehorse, Fred, but they wanted another horse to accompany them on hacks whilst being safe on the busy roads near their new home. A close friend told them about Ringo while he was still in training with Tracey Leeson, describing him as the ‘favourite of the yard.’

After a successful vetting, Ringo was welcomed into his new home, where he quickly adapted to his new role outside of racing. Ringo showed an extraordinary level of calmness in challenging situations, from passing bins and lorries to dealing with the busy local roads. His temperament made him perfect for more than just hacks — it made him a natural candidate as a volunteer on horseback.

“It’s the best thing I ever did”
Susan Parker on joining RoR

Joining the police volunteer team

Susan had always been aware of the police’s volunteer on horseback program, having long been involved in the equestrian world and serving as a welfare officer for the British Horse Society (BHS). She saw the potential to give back to her community by volunteering with her reliable horse.

Ringo quickly became an essential part of the team, acting as the eyes and ears of the police, the pair ‘clock in’ for their duties reporting on anything suspicious they come across on their patrols. They also work to help educate drivers, cyclists, and dog walkers on the importance of safe interactions with horses on the road. “It’s not just educating cars, it’s also cyclists and people walking dogs, especially those with young or excitable animals”, said Susan. Ringo’s calmness under pressure makes him a perfect teacher.

Ringo’s special acknowledgement award

One of Ringo’s most significant roles as a volunteer has been working with Road Peace. For the last two years, Ringo has attended Northamptonshire Police’s Road Safety Community event in conjunction with the charity, where he has become something of a star. At the first event, with sirens blaring and crowds gathering, Ringo remained unflustered, allowing children and families to approach and interact with him.

The following year, Ringo’s fan club returned. Even before he could get off the lorry, children were running toward him, excited to see their four-legged hero once again. This time, his owner had brought a small brush, and many of the children were lifted by their parents to give Ringo a brush themselves. One older gentleman, who had met Ringo the previous year, returned specifically to have his photograph taken with him, a testament to the impact the horse had made.

For his role in the Road Peace events and his unwavering calm, Ringo was honoured with a special award, presented at a ceremony at Northamptonshire Police’s headquarters.

The importance of RoR membership

Susan is a member of Retraining of Racehorses (RoR) and believes the organisation’s support has been invaluable in training and caring for Fred and Ringo, as well as helping them to participate in various events like dressage and showjumping. “It’s the best thing I ever did,” she says of joining RoR, noting how the community she is now a part of have always been supportive and helpful.

A horse that gives back

For Ringo, life after racing has been full of new adventures. Whether he’s patrolling roads for the police, helping teach road safety, or getting out in the community, Ringo is a true gentle soul with a calm demeanour, and a shining example of how horses can give back to the world around them.

Latest success stories RoR is always interested to hear of other success stories so please email us and send a photograph of your own story.

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