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Series Tattersalls RoR Novice Show Series

This show series is judged under Riding Horse class rules on type, ride, manners and conformation. The horse will be ridden by the judge prior to conformation judging.

2024 Winner

Winner - Robin Roe
Owned and ridden by - Madeleine Cantrill

2023 Winner

Winner - Carole's Destrier
Owned and ridden by Maisie Bush

2022 Winner

Winner - First Receiver
Owned by - HM The Queen
Ridden by - Katie Jerram-Hunnable

2021 Winner

Winner - Minella Rebellion
Owned and Ridden by - Katie Dashwood


RoR eligibility

Horses must have raced in GB and have current RoR competition membership. Riders must be 15 years or over on the 1 January of the current year. For horses four years old and over, mares and gelding, any height.


  • Competitors and grooms must wear the current approved safety/kite mark hard hat with a chinstrap.
  • Please be aware that the show will split the class on the horse’s last run in a race (NH or Flat) should the entries exceed 20.
  • Horses will be ridden by the judge. Horses will be stripped for conformation and should be ridden in a snaffle, pelham or simple double bridle with a plain cavesson noseband. Horses should be plaited.
  • Racing injuries and blemishes are not ignored in this series.
  • For further showing rules please visit the RoR Rules and Regulations.

Qualification criteria

To take part in this class, horses must not have won an open ridden class, including SEIB/HOYS, BSHA, SHB, RoR Tattersalls Show Series Open Ridden Qualifier, RoR Amateur Ridden Show Series Qualifier or any other open class except Tattersalls RoR Former Racehorse Challenge Show Series classes.

Horses may remain in Tattersalls RoR Novice Show Series classes until they win three Tattersalls RoR Novice Show Series Qualifiers. They are de-noviced on their third novice win or at midnight on the day they win an open class, whichever happens first. They are still eligible to compete in the Tattersalls RoR Novice Final at The Jockey Club RoR National Championships that August.

The first three go forward to the Final at The Jockey Club RoR National Championships at Aintree Equestrian Centre on 23 August 2025 or 2026 for shows after 1 August 2025.

The Series Champion goes forward to the RoR Ridden Show Series Supreme Championship at The Jockey Club RoR National Championships at Aintree Equestrian Centre on 23 August 2025


Rosettes first to fourth place and a RoR branded prize to the winner.

Series Results